The Agrippabad in Cologne was built in the 1950s and modernised between 1998 and 2000. After 23 years of operation, another modernisation and redesign is due. Initially, the focus was on the sauna and fitness area in order to adapt them to current functional and technical requirements and make them more attractive for bathing guests. In the second step, Köln Bäder GmbH commissioned the modernisation of the entire south façade.

In terms of sustainability, the existing building structure and well-preserved elements will be retained as far as possible. The technical infrastructure will also be renewed and modernised in terms of energy efficiency. The curved, sloping supporting structure will be replaced by a new façade with a roof terrace in front. This will be easier to clean and maintain and will also create new outdoor lounging areas. The construction work is due to start at the beginning of 2025 and will be realised while the swimming pool remains open.