The Sonnenberg Gallery this year is dedicating its annual architecture exhibition to 4a Architekten. The exhibition, entitled “Setting locations, forming spaces, giving light, showing true colours”, runs from 11 September until 23 October 2016 in the “Kettenhaus”-style linked houses of Chen Kuen Lee. It illustrates the architects’ creative basis, approach and attitude towards form in the design process. Selected photographs of the works that have been constructed capture the central themes of the design work, make clear statements and give the visitor an emotional experience of the atmospheric elements of 4a’s projects. Sketches and models reveal the underlying structure of their methods.

vernissage 10th september 2016, 7 p.m. / exhibition visits starting from 6 p.m.
exhibition 11th september - 23rd october 2016
opening hours saturday/sunday 2 - 6 p.m. and by arrangement

Galerie Sonnenberg, in den Baumschulen M. Hörmann, Korinnaweg 50A, Stuttgart-Sonnenberg